Bright Custom Timber Frame Chapel at the YMCA in Frost Valley, NY

Offering a broad spectrum of outdoor family activities, the Frost Valley YMCA is the setting of countless fond childhood memories stretching back decades. Woodhouse was proud to help design and deliver an inspiring timber frame chapel for this YMCA location.

Their blog post on the Ketchum Chapel gives a summary of how this structure was conceptualized: “After the death of their father Frank Ketcham, the Ketcham sons and daughters got together and built a chapel next to Reflection Pond in his memory. Anyone coming to Frost Valley, whether for the first or 100th time, should stop here for the peace and quiet. The very design of this wooden dwelling among the pines conveys the idea the Ketchams had: a site of thoughtfulness and meditation.” – Frost Valley YMCA, Ketchup Chapel