Intro to Timber Frame Homes
What is a timber frame home?
Timber framing is a building method that dates back thousands of years yet remains fresh and inspiring today thanks to its gorgeous aesthetic and range of functional benefits. With its sturdy timbers and precision joinery, a timber frame home is
truly the epitome of strength and beauty.
Why Build a Timber Framed Home vs. a Conventional Home?
Energy Efficiency
The combination of timber framing and Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) creates a highly energy-efficient home. SIPs are the most effective way to insulate a home, as they prevent air leakage, keeping the hot air out in the summer and the cold air out in the winter. Additionally, the use of passive solar techniques, like strategically-placed overhangs, either protect the home from the sun in the summer or helps to heat the house in the winter.
Built to Last
Timber framing is a uniquely durable building system. It’s no secret that heavy timbers provide a lot of load-bearing support, but many people don’t realize just how much the precision joinery contributes to timber framing’s durability.
The carved joints in a traditional timber frame home allow the structure to breathe as the materials expand and contract with environmental changes. This extra tolerance prevents undue stress on the house, allowing it to last much longer. And the use of Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)increases the durability of timber frames even more.
This combination of joinery, sturdy supports, and the structural integrity of SIPs make timber frame homes much better equipped to survive extreme weather, like hurricanes and earthquakes, than lighter-framed alternatives.
Naturally beautiful homes
With the warm wood echoing the organic elements of the landscape, timber frame homes fit seamlessly in natural, scenic locales. But one of the standout benefits of timber-framed homes is that you get to choose what the final aesthetic will look like.
Unlike log homes, there are abundant options for you to customize based on your unique style and design sensibilities. The only option for materials to use in a log home is wood, where you can choose from a variety of exterior and interior finishes in a timber frame home.
Quality of Living
Timber frame homes offer a wide range of customizations largely because they don’t rely on load-bearing walls. The upright supports of the heavy-frame construction allow for much more open space and a flexible layout, hence why timber frame homes are known for their open floor plans and expansive great rooms.
Open floor plans allow for better entertainment, as you can be part of the group while you cook and serve food at the same time when guests are over. Without the restrictions of load-bearing walls, there are tons of opportunities forcustomizing a timber frame floor plan to your design whims.